We’ve taken a look at some of the most interesting CAD designs across the web and put together a Christmas wish list. From 3D jewellery to the clever Handibot, here’s the products that we hope to get in our stockings this…
Free Cheat Sheet: CAD Technical Terms Explained
If you’re new to working with CAD, you’ve probably come across some terminology that you’re not too sure about. Do you know a Bezier curve from an auto deskew? Or a command line from a command file? How about an ASCII? If…
Common Problems Converting JPG to Vector
When attempting to convert JPG to a vector format, you should be aware of a few common problems. The JPG file type was developed specifically for digital cameras to store a large number of files on limited storage, and it’s this large file…
Converting Images for CNC With Scan2CAD
Peter Fairweather is a Chartered Engineer who owns and runs Engineering Software business, Datarota. He started the business in 1977 and it is thought to be one of the longest-serving technical software houses anywhere. The company’s specialism is the design and…