Industries around the world make use of paper patterns to quickly prototype their cutting designs. From car seat manufacturers to shoe designers, paper patterns are vital to the design and manufacturing process. In some cases, industries—or individuals—will painstakingly create hard-copy paper patterns one by one. But what if you want to speed up the process by taking your paper pattern to CAD or CNC? There’s one simple solution: convert (or digitize) your paper patterns for CAD.
In Scan2CAD’s latest guide, we look at what paper patterns are and how they’re used in different industries. We also give you the full lowdown on how to convert paper patterns for CAD or CNC—offering a free trial of Scan2CAD for your troubles!
Table of Contents
- What are paper patterns?
- Why convert paper patterns for CAD?
- How do I convert paper patterns for CAD?
- Converting with Scan2CAD
What are paper patterns?
Paper patterns are essentially cutting templates of a required shape and size which will be cut out of material. They communicate the necessary information and directions to produce prototypes—taking note of design, shape, fit and measurements. Much like an architect uses blueprints to create structures, paper patterns are used by industries to create prototypes and eventually, a final product.
Fundamental to industries across the world, paper patterns are used for a variety of purposes, from producing garments in sewing and fashion design to manufacturing car seats in the automotive industry. While these patterns are usually made with paper, it’s not unusual for industries to use paperboard, cardboard or plastic if they’re in need of something a bit sturdier.
How are they used?
The process of making paper patterns is otherwise known as “patternmaking” or “pattern cutting”. To start, designers will sketch or trace over their chosen shape. An example of this might be a glass company which will head to a site and trace the shape of client patterns on cardboard paper. Next, the designer will cut the shape out of the paper—giving them a paper pattern.
Some companies might opt to use their paper pattern manually, using the template to cut their material. Most industrie, however, opt to digitize their patterns—converting paper patterns for use in CAD or CNC. We’ll discuss this particular process below and the benefits attached. Once digitized, the paper pattern can be opened up and modified in a CAD application—meaning changes can be made swiftly and efficiently. If happy with the final design, the pattern can be sent to factories electronically for production or sampling.
Why convert paper patterns for CAD?
Before we look at how you can convert paper patterns for CAD (hint: it involves Scan2CAD), we’re going to look at the reasons why industries opt to digitize and convert paper patterns for CAD.
Easier and faster modification
Converting paper patterns for CAD ensures changes are faster and easier to make. If you’re working with physical paper patterns, even small changes can push you back weeks. In large industries, this can be a nightmare. Having to redo or revise paper patterns—due to mistakes or changes to the design along the way—wastes time and reduces the chances of meeting deadlines. If you convert to CAD, however, you can make the necessary changes without having to go back to the drawing board.
By working with paper patterns in CAD, it can be easy to create several sizes of the same design to fit particular shapes—if you’re working with garments, for example. Additionally, it’s possible to use old designs—take elements you like—and create brand new designs. This is something that would take much longer with physical patterns. In all, converting to CAD can streamline the production and manufacturing process, meaning faster layout and cutting.
Greater collaboration
Collaboration can be difficult if you’re working solely with physical paper patterns. The physical transportation of paper patterns from companies to factories can be long and laborious. Additionally, mistakes can happen along the way. More often than not, designs are never perfect the first time around. Companies and factories mailing physical designs back and forth for corrections slows production time down and can lead to miscommunication.
If you convert paper patterns for CAD—digitizing them—you can make necessary modifications quickly and in real time. With cloud-based CAD, it’s even possible to work with colleagues—no matter how far away—in real time. Patterns can be worked on simultaneously between colleagues—enabling designers to enact fast revisions. Once happy with the final result, patterns can be sent to cutting for production.
Better management
Physical patterns can often get worn down depending on their material. If you have a template of a dress that you keep going back to for reference, then odds are that it will begin to wear down with time. This means that sizing and measurements might end up skewed as a result. If you digitize your patterns, however, you don’t have to worry about them degrading with time. They can be kept safe and organized—ready for print or cutting at any time.
By deciding to convert paper patterns for CAD, you can take advantage of consistency with sizing, standardized patterns and a library of easily accessible patterns. An added bonus to a digital archive of patterns is that you can save up space that may have otherwise been taken up by physical copies.
How do I convert paper patterns for CAD?
There are many services that you can find online that will convert your paper patterns for you. Some ask you to scan your patterns and others require you to send it to them by mail. If you’d rather do it yourself, however, we’ve got the perfect solution: Scan2CAD. How does it work? It couldn’t be simpler…
- Sketch or trace your shape
- Cut the shape out of the paper
- Scan your pattern
- Convert using Scan2CAD
- Use your design in CAD or send directly to a CNC cutter
Before we look at how Scan2CAD can convert your paper patterns for you—and other methods of conversion—we’re going to look at what conversion is and how it works.
What does conversion entail?
So, you’ve got your scanned copy of your paper pattern. How exactly can you convert it to create a digitized copy? Conversion—or vectorization—can be enacted through manual or automatic tracing. Much like the process of creating a paper pattern, manual tracing involves drawing over your paper pattern with vector lines using an image editor. Automatic tracing, by comparison, consists of using a specialized software that traces over your pattern automatically.
If you’re working in a big industry, e.g., manufacturing car seats in the automotive industry, you won’t have time to convert your paper patterns manually. It can be time-consuming and can get in the way of tight deadlines. Automatic tracing is fast and, in some cases, can take mere seconds to complete!
Once your paper pattern has been converted, you can save it in a vector file format that can be worked with in CAD. Typically, DXF is the go-to format. Why? It’s a universal file format that can be used in most—if not all—CAD packages. This is highly beneficial in terms of collaboration. Exporting to a common format like DXF mean that you can send patterns to your colleagues—or directly to factories—and know that they’re be able to open them.
Conversion methods
Image editors
You might be surprised to find that some of the image editors you undoubtedly work with can be used to convert your paper patterns. If you prefer to manually trace your patterns, you can simply open your pattern in the editor and trace over it with vector tools. Alternatively, many editors have an automatic tracing tool—at the click of a few buttons, you’ll have a vector image. Here are a few examples of image editors that you can use:
If you’re only converting the occasional paper pattern and you have time on your hands, there’s probably nothing wrong with using an image editor. That being said, if you have a large volume of patterns to convert, we’d recommend using a specialized solution.
Online converters
You don’t have to look far to find an online converter that promises to convert all of your patterns for free. As with most things in life, however, it’s far too good to be true. These converters might be free, but that advantage comes with an abundance of problems. For starters, you’ll only be able to upload designs that have a small file size. In terms of the actual conversion, you can expect poor quality and issues with text.
One of the biggest problems with online converters lies in security. When you download files from the internet, you run the risk of downloading a virus or Trojan. Additionally, you don’t know who else might end up having access to your patterns.
Scan2CAD is a market leading raster-to-vector conversion software. This means it can convert your scanned pattern—a raster image—to a vector file format like DXF that’s ready for use in CAD. The software supports a wide variety of file types—from raster file types like JPG and TIFF to vector file types like DXF and DWG.
So, how does the vectorization process work in Scan2CAD? Once you’re happy with your scanned image—using pre-conversion tips we’ll discuss below—you need to select your vectorization settings. Then, the software will automatically detect the lines or shapes and trace over them with vector lines. The actual conversion process can take seconds.
Converting with Scan2CAD
Acquiring an image of a pattern
As with any conversion, it’s of the utmost importance that you use a suitable image. What does this mean? It’s simple, really. You can’t just take a low quality photograph of your pattern on your phone and expect the quality to be suitable. Instead, we suggest using a scanner to acquire a high-quality picture of your paper pattern.
Once you’ve scanned your pattern, we suggest saving it as a TIFF. This raster file format gives users the best possible output for conversion. It comes with lossless compression, so you can expect high resolution and quality even after you’ve made edits to it.
Video: Convert paper patterns with Scan2CAD
In the following video we’ll take you through all the steps required to convert your paper pattern to an accurate vector outline using Scan2CAD.