Today sees the release of Scan2CAD 10.1.0 (which we’ve lovingly named Galois).
This release features a number of significant improvements focussed on building a better user experience. With 10.1.0, Scan2CAD is more intuitive than ever, enabling users to become successful with the software faster than before.
We’re excited to share these improvements with you, so let’s take a look at what’s new.
Files as tabs
We’ve ditched the files list (akin to a layers list) in favour of tabs. Through observing users we found that the files list was too subtle for understanding the files you have open and the file you are currently editing.
This problem is solved with the new tabs feature. Tabs give a constant reminder of the file you are viewing and editing and creates a more coherent experience with other CAD software such as the ‘model’ and ‘layout’ tabs in AutoCAD.
You will see that Scan2CAD will only display the tabs for files which you currently have open i.e. if you only have a raster image open you will only see the ‘Raster’ tab.
When you have a raster and a vector file open you will also see a ‘Both’ tab. This tab overlays the vector image on the raster image. Useful for viewing the accuracy of a vectorization or viewing the contents of a raster and vector PDF.
Bye-bye edit mode switching
The introduction of tabs has enabled us to simplify how you edit raster and vector images. You will no-longer need to select raster or vector edit mode, instead; by selecting a tab you will automatically switch to the appropriate raster or vector editing tools.
When viewing the ‘Raster’ tab you will automatically use raster editing tools and in the ‘Vector’ or ‘Both’ tab you will use vector editing tools.
A wider canvas
We have reduced the width of the left toolbar by 50% therefore increasing the size of the canvas area.
Hello keyboard shortcuts!
Yes, keyboard shortcuts are here! Version 10.1.0 includes keyboard shortcuts for switching tabs, opening files and more. More keyboard shortcuts will be added in future releases. You can see the up-to-date list of Scan2CAD keyboard shortcuts.
As with all updates this is free for all users with an active Scan2CAD subscription. You will be notified of the available update when you launch Scan2CAD.
As always if you have any questions you can get in-touch with our 24/7 support and remember, you can stay up to date with all updates at the Scan2CAD changelog.